Before the game, while the boys were warming up, the Coach came over to talk to me. He asked how long Zachary has played baseball. I said this was his first time. He couldn't believe it. He said he has some natural talent and I should keep him playing ball. He said when Zachary hits high school, they will all be after him. Whoa! Who would have thunk!
Today we had our first tournament against a Hobart team. We lost the game 11-10. But, it was an exciting game. The boys did a great job. There were some awesome plays. Coach was really proud of them.
For those of you who weren't there - here are some vital pictures!
Zachary ready for the pitch. If you remember, I told you the Coach said that Zachary is the only one that frickin' listens. Notice that Zachary is in position, just like the Coach wants, the other boys are day dreaming.

Here's my boy up to bat. Getting ready...Ball one.

Ball two...

Ball three...

Ball four...

Zachary on first base after his walk. His first base Coach is very conservative. She hardly ever lets them steal.

Zachary stealing second base...

Zachary bringing it home!

Again, Zachary is in position, the other guy is out to lunch.

The guy in blue on first base made the winning run.

Most of our games it was either raining, tornado warnings or freezing cold. This time, it was gorgeous sun. In fact, we were burned quite badly. Didn't even know it was that hot. The wind was very powerful, so we weren't getting hot.
Elyse doesn't like baseball games. Today she played under the bleachers and got her new capris filthy. What a girl!
After the game we hit Taco Bell. We haven't been in so long that it tasted mighty good.
BTW, our refrigerator is working fine right now. Hold your breath! We don't actually want to pay for a new one right now. Maybe after Covenant is paid off.
oh wow! bet you're proud of one little boy...
zach, you look awesome out there! i'm so proud of you, getting a run and paying attention and stealing second! you're amazing.
those are good photos, mom, i can even see the ball in one of those batting pictures. wish i could have been there! win that next one for me!
see you guys sooooo soon. drive safely, i can't wait to see you all. we can even watch tobin's game on sunday. it's broadcast online live, you can get to it by going to the rose athletics page, they have a link under the football page. later!
Wow! Great job, Zach! I'm so proud of your mad baseball skills! Keep workin' hard, bud!
Busy, busy, busy!! You guys are always doing something somewhere.Sounds like Zachary will help you keep busy as he grows up. Congratulations on doing so well with baseball, Zach. You really look impressive!
Aunt Nona
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