Do you think he liked his present?

Do you think this boy is excited?
We decided that since we had cabin fever, we would let our boy have his birthday one day early. We got him the "Lego Star Wars II" computer game. BUT, it won't work on our computer. He is very disappointed. If Luke can't help us, we will have to take it back.
For his birthday dinner, he chose Talapia, Cheesy Vegetables, Coke and ice cream. He is the only one that likes Talapia, but we ate it anyway.
The snow has finally been shoveled and removed from the parking lot and street. So, school will happen today. Tomorrow Dad & Zachary are going to the auto show. It will be a "guys day out." The girls, will be spending their day at Terry Abners, getting the oil changed in the car and getting my drivers' license renewed. Sounds like a fun day for the girls, doesn't it?
Emily, we are praying for you today! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
to zach:
hi my boy. what a big mouth you have. ;) i miss you! see you in a couple days. keep that snow away so i can come see you, ok? better start shovelin', you. i love you!
to mom:
cute pics! your birthday is only a few short days away. can't wait to see you! love you!
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