Last night was "Crazy Hair Night" at AWANA. If you remember, Zachary wanted his hair to grow out. We (the 'rents) didn't like it, but we let it grow for a few months. Here is what it looked like before the "cut."

This is after the first cut. I wanted to do a reverse mohawk, but Zachary thought that would be too wild. I also thought of carving a letter on the back of his head ("Z" for Zorro, "C" for Cubs, or "PCS" or something). But, Zachary said, "NO."

This is the pile of hair from just cutting the sides. It was VERY thick.

Here is the finale! We used mousse, but it didn't stick up completely. So, we used Elmer's Glue. That worked fine (it washes out, so no worries).

After AWANA, we finished his "do." Much better, eh?

Don't think that Elyse was left out. She had three pigtails. I just failed to get a picture of it. Sorry, Elyse.
On the 26th, we are going to have the AWANA Grand Prix. This Saturday, is the workshop to build their cars.
Today, we are invited to Jeanie's for lunch. We made "Ginger Cookies" to take with us. We haven't seen Ruthie and Jeanie for a long time. It will be nice to get together.
I definitely like the last picture best, but the Mohawk was fun for crazy hair night.
Holy cow, boy. Reminds me of my hair last year, but much more insane.
That kid is AWESOME! Haha, you are such a cool mom!!! :)
And THANK YOU for not posting a picture of your thumb! I empathize...but I prefer to do so without a visual aid. Sorry! I guess I'm one of the queasy ones.
I'm glad Elyse finally got her build-a-bear! Or build-a-poodle. I didn't even know you could make those. I bet she loves it.
Love you, Mom! Miss you!
looooove the hair. WOW. that's nice. you used elmer's glue?? haha!
Zach, you look very nice with your new hairdo (the final version).
elyse, wish i could have seen yours!
see y'all later.
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