
Sunday, February 15, 2009

MY BOY IS 11 AT 11:28 A.M. TODAY!!!!!

Zachary turns eleven today (at 11:28 a.m.). He was so excited that he woke up at 6:45 this morning. We don't usually get them up until 7:30 for church. He wanted his gifts wrapped and on the coffee table. I knew if he saw the one, he would guess what it was right away. So, I made him promise not to touch them, but I would put them on the table. We got ready for church and all through the day he asked if we could go home, he wanted to celebrate his birthday. Pastor finished the morning service EARLY (unheard of for him). Zachary was sure that was just for his birthday that Pastor quit early. But, we had donut hour AND Sunday School yet to follow. Of course, Zachary wanted to go home, but Tim teaches the Adult Sunday School - so that wasn't going to happen (it wouldn't anyway, but in Zachary's mind we at least had an excuse).

After Sunday School was over, we went to get our coats. There stood Betsey! What a nice surprise for the birthday boy! Zachary and Betsey took off in her car to shop at WalMart for baseball cards (Betsey's gift to Zachary). When we got home we had Zachary's choice of dinner. It was homemade pizza, summer sausage, sliced cheese and root beer. For dessert we are going to have hot fudge sundaes. I bought enough root beer that we can have floats later too.

On to the gifts - we could hardly contain Zachary. I hoped he wouldn't be too disappointed in his gifts. By the shape of the gifts, I knew he was thinking game cube games, but I knew differently.

His first gift....

He has wanted Frosted Flakes for a few weeks, so I bought them and wrapped them up. We will have them for breakfast tomorrow (or a snack tonight).

Betsey got him baseball cards (Zachary's latest craze). His friend, Jeffrey, trade cards and sort and re-sort them for hours. Zachary even has a game he plays with the cards - you will have to ask him to explain that one.

Next, comes the gift that looks like a game cube game. It wasn't. It was the first book in the series called "Red Rock Mysteries" by Jerry Jenkins and Chris Fabry. Zachary has read the "Left Behind" series by Jerry Jenkins and "RPM" by Chris Fabry. He loved them. So, I got him the 15 books in this series, but only wrapped up one to make it look like a game cube game. Aren't I mean?

Here is the rest of the series - I didn't wrap these, just handed them to him.

We are about to have our hot fudge sundaes, so I shall close. Wish you could join us for our special treat - maybe next time.


At February 15, 2009 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Zachary! Wish I was 11 today. The 15th is a great day for a birthday. Love, Aunt Jane

At February 15, 2009 7:03 PM, Blogger Tobin and Erin said...

Happy birthday, boy! I love you so much, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for your big day. Can't believe you're eleven! That means I'm out of college and just getting older and older, haha. I can't WAIT to see you again.

HI to Mom, Dad, Zach, and Elyse! Oh, and to Buzz cause she is such a good sister! Wish I could have been so, sometime soon boy!


At February 15, 2009 7:54 PM, Blogger Tim said...

It was fun to see Zach so excited about his gifts.

The time for him to be officially 11 should read 11:28 AM. He was born in the middle of morning service and I had to get a guest speaker.

At February 16, 2009 7:08 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Happy Birthday, Zach! Sorry I'm late! It's a good thing you have 3 other sisters to be on time for these sort of things!

At February 16, 2009 7:26 AM, Blogger Adminswife said...

After Dad's comment, I changed the times of Zachary's birth. Must be "sometimers."

At February 16, 2009 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ZACH! So sorry we didn't call yesterday. Every time we remembered, we weren't near a phone. We were thinking of you, though! Glad you had a great day. Wish we could've been there (especially for the sundaes, ha)! :-)

At February 16, 2009 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad I could come home for that! It was fun being with Zach and the rest of the fam and seeing his excitement. It was also nice getting fed. :)

Zach, you are wonderful and I am so proud to have you as a brother!!!



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