For those of you couldn't join us in celebrating Betsey's birthday, these pictures might make you feel part of the celebration. Zachary, Elyse and I made the trek to Winona Lake to celebrate Betsey's 21st birthday with her. First, we gave her our gifts in her dorm room.

She got a stash of Bath & Body Works good smelling stuff. She said she would finally smell good.

She also got room fresheners for her room. The pictures look like her room was messy, but most of the mess was fresh laundry drying because she is too cheap to pay for a dryer.

Being a teacher wannabe, she got different colored highlighters. She was happy with that.

After gifts, we got back in the car and Zachary & Elyse gave her their homemade cards. Then we headed to a GREAT Mexican restaurant. Micah & Betsey go to this restaurant every Sunday after church. Now we know why. We over ate badly and only cost $20. Not bad to feed four people plus dessert! It was a great visit.
We were exhausted going home. I almost fell asleep. So, that meant we turned up the tunes and tried to slap myself awake. We made it home just fine - in three pieces.
Tonight Dad, Zachary & Elyse have to finish their AWANA Grand Prix cars. Tomorrow is the race. We will post that another day!
Thank you thank you THANK YOU for coming!!! It does my heart sooooo good to see family. It was wonderful spending part of the day with you three and of course receiving wonderful gifts! :) The paintings are hung on the wall, as promised.
Tell those awesome kids I said good luck at the Grand Prix! I want to hear all about it and see pictures of the Bears car and the Rainbow Castle!
Love you all,
YAY birthday presents! I'm glad I can say that I saw Betsey on her birthday even if it was only through pictures. I can't wait to see the Grand Prix photos, I'm sure Z and E's cars will rock! Good luck!
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