Actually, we didn't ride the train. We did, however, go to Milwaukee. That is, the Milwaukee Zoo. "Old" people got in free, we only had to pay for the kids.
Walking to the entrance... |
The girls taking a ride in the canoe. |
Is it a man or a woman - we couldn't tell. |
They were outside and it was 94 degrees. |
Would have loved to do this obstacle course, but it cost $11 and another $15 for the zipline. |
These bones, these bones gonna walk around. |
Pretty girl! |
Right after this photo, he jumped on the glass and scared us silly. |
This guy was so old, he looked like he way dying right in front of us. |
Siesta! |
Aren't these beauties? |
Pruning... |
Smart guy to stay in the water... |
Cute babies... |
Exhausted Tapir. |
Crazy humps. |
It was amazing to watch her fold up and lie down. |
I called this one "Elyse." He was always snuggling with his momma. |
Walking and walking... |
Emma's turn to carry the backpack... |
Guess who was in charge of the camera? |
Guess how tall he was? |
"The hills are alive...with the sound of... |
Plant life turned into animals. |
Look at me! |
Ella-funt-funt! |
Cool hippos! |
The sign said "Turtles" but we couldn't find them - only the camera woman saw them. |
Eating our picnic lunch. |
Resting - it was HOT! |
Silly girls! |
What's the difference between a red head and a blond? |
Friends! |
The closest she could get to the real thing. |
Emma wants to buy this - it cost $80. |
Cooling off in the air conditioning. |
This guy acted like he was afraid to get in the water. |
Seals are fun to watch! |
The plants said, "Milwaukee County Zoo." So cool! |
Mr. Moose! |
Mama bear trying to coax her baby to come out of the hole. |
Baby was having too much fun in the hole. |
He almost got the girls! |
Hitting Biggby's on the way home. |
Emma's idea of what Elyse looks like. |
We talked too long at Biggby's, the girls used the time to draw all over themselves. |
It was a fun day! Tim picked Zachary up from school while we were on our road trip. Zachary spent three days in Wisconsin at the senior high retreat. He had a great time! No pictures though, sorry.
MOM! YOU FORGOT TO PUT UP THE VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some of them were pretty good. We got this cute video of a momma something and a baby something. It was a good video.
Also, Emma and I took pictures of like our hands and feet and stuff, to compare,and apparently I am taller, longer, and darker.
- Elyse The Camel.
Fun pictures!
15 feet? That's my guess for the camel's height.
Looks like it was a hot day. Fun photos, thanks for keeping us in the loop!
Elyse - what does RAVK stand for (written on your hands)?
Fun pictures! Looks like a fun - but HOT - day! :-)
Didn't you ask for guessing the height on the giraffe not the camel? I'm going to guess the giraffe is 16.5 feet tall.
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