First of all, it is 40 degrees outside. The kids decided that they needed
to make LIQUID MUD BRICKS. We have been reading about Moses and
the Israelites not getting any more straw to make bricks - I guess water
would work - NOT!

Notice that Elyse's pants are pushed up to avoid getting wet. Notice
too, that they are already soaked. The water is coming out of the sump
pump hose, that is connected to a downspout hose, catching it in the
bird seed bucket.

They finally noticed that I was taking their picture. Now you don't
have to worry about why I am crazy. They did it to me!
Zachary figured out that if he runs in circles in the living room, 60 times, he runs about 1/4 of a mile. So, if he runs 240 times, he runs a mile. Asked how he knows, he says, "You take 5,280 feet divided by 22 because that is how big the living room circle is and you get 240 laps." I should have been able to figure that out, how can he?
Dad thinks the kids were cloned - surely they aren't related to him!
Not to be outdone - our other child is home as well. So, these college kids always want home cooked meals when they visit our abode. Today, however, isn't a home cooked day. This is Betsey's menu for today: Breakfast - Sue's Bakery's donuts, Lunch - Sue's Bakery's coffee cake and vegetables, Dinner - Ice cream from Cold Stone. I am sure these children are clones, not my blood relations.
HAHAHA!!! Oh, you guys are hilARious!!! I love that last picture of Elyse. I can hear her with the Scottish accent now, "FREEEEEDOM!!!!" Classic. Gotta love kids.
I love the pictures of Zach and Elyse! What a creative way to apply a Bible lesson :). I'm enjoying the job so far, but only had a day and a half at it. There's definitely a lot to absorb and do!
fun...i wanna play in mud :)
have fun in GR. tell dad to take you to the haute in his torino on sunday so you can see the boys next door. not the actual boys next door, cuz they're not very interesting unless you like the plumber look. but the play i hear is good. :):) later tater!
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