Saturday we spent the day with the Rumley side of the family. It was a good time with plenty of good food. Thank you, Nancy, for your hospitality. There were many new babies born, plus plenty of expecting mothers. How fun!

This is the five Rumley children. Sarah wasn't paying attention, sorry.

This is the five siblings with their spouses.
We didn't take a picture of all the children and grandchildren, the camera wouldn't have been big enough. There were about 48 of us there.
Sports Clinic is this week at FEBC. Zachary is playing Volleyball and Baseball. Elyse is playing Basketball and Soccer. They also have dinner there and a Bible time. Tonight we are going to a birthday party instead of FEBC. The twins will be 10 years old. Hopefully, they will like the gifts we got them. Zachary and Elyse made them cards, using die-cut letters that have glue on one side. Here is a picture of the cards.

mama, teehee, don't tell anybody but you and dad look a lot younger than the rest of the siblings! :) ok, so you are, but still. you can tell.
have fun at the party! how's sports clinic going? i'm usually home for that, i forgot it would be going on now. tell zilla to swing hard in baseball and DON'T SWING in volleyball. ;) tell elyse i don't know anything about soccer, but tell her to set picks on the other girls cuz she'd decimate them. wish i could see those kids play ball!
Er - you crack me up! The letters at the bottom (the verification code) says lagqhng. With my bad eyes, and no brains, I read that as laughing. Which is what we are doing with your comment. Thanks for calling today - it was good to hear you voice. See you Sunday.
elyse will not be doing anything that resembles soccer, to her sports=social time!
who are the twins??? did i miss a birth 10 years ago?
The twins were in Zachary's Art class at PCS. We have had them over a few times because the parents work and we saved them a few bucks for after school care.
Oh, Mom. I forgot oh-so-many things. I'll e-mail you a list some time. It's REALLY good being back on campus and seeing everybody, though! It's got me excited for the rest of the year. The handbook quiz is today at 9am!!! And then I guess the training begins...I don't even know what we'll be doing.
I love you all and miss you!
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