As promised - the results of the AWANA Grand Prix!
Elyse made a "Rainbow Castle" car. It was designed all by herself. She painted most of the car, Dad only did touch-ups. She did most of the lettering by herself, Mom helped a little. Here it is before the wheels were put on (obviously).

Zachary made "#23 - Bears" car. FYI: #23 is Hester's number. Dad figured since Hester was so fast, his car would be also. Front shot:

Rear shot:

Zachary's car in the line-up - #2 slot.

Elyse's in the line-up - #7 slot (notice the pink dolphin - isn't it cute?).

And the race begins. First the Cubbies with their matchbox cars. Then the Sparks (that's Elyse's group - in case you didn't know). Here are all the Sparks that raced.

Elyse won third place for design (Dad thinks she should have been first, but he might have been prejudice). Mr. Peres is handing Elyse her trophy.

Now the TNT race begins. That's Zachary's group (Grades 3-6).

Zachary also got third place for design. Another trophy to add to his collection.

Happy children with their cars, trophies and ribbons. They had a great time.

The 'rents even enjoyed ourselves (a shock, I know). It was a good time for all players. Tye Wade (Woody's son) was undefeated. Dawn Loftis (in the adult category) was also undefeated. Now do you feel like you were there with us? Hope so! Enjoy!
Let me just say - those kids are good-looking! I love the picture of Elyse in the Sparkie line-up, holding her car - GORGEOUS! And Zach after his car races - celebrity smile! :)
They did a great job! I'm glad you all had fun. I can't wait to come home, see the trophies, and hear the stories in person.
Check out the picture of Elyse getting her trophy and look at the eyes of the Wade boy and the girl just to the right of Elyse. Looks like they're saucer-eyed for that trophy! :)
GREAT job with your car designs, kids! You deserve those trophies; I love the cars!
Love you all,
P.S. Thanks for taking the time to post all this, Mom. I DID feel like I was there. :)
GREAT job kids! Elyse, you designed (and painted) that all by yourself? I'm so proud of you! Zilla, Hester huh? He's fast, and Dani (my roommate) liked that you used him for your car! She's a big Bear's fan.
Congrats, kiddos!
Wow, those are some cool cars! You both are very creative! Thanks for posting all about your big day!
love you all!
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