
Wednesday, October 22, 2008


No pictures, wish I had taken some. I was so worried about getting to AWANA that I never thought of getting the camera out. Here's the story:

Tonight we were rushing through dinner so we could get to AWANA. Elyse had asked for seconds of spaghetti (Prince Spaghetti night). She was dishing up the pasta, while Zachary held the bowl of sauce. He kept mumbling something that none of us understood. He was just being silly. Elyse was taking for-ever! Zachary was getting anxious, plus who knows what he was saying. Then before you know it, the bowl of sauce jumped off the table and landed sideways on his arm and chest. He, of course, was already dressed in his AWANA uniform. We had 40 minutes to get it presentable for AWANA or he would lose points and AWANA bucks. So, we wiped up the sauce as best we could and then handwashed the shirt. I put it in the washer to rinse and spin, then took it out to dry. It was still stained. So, I put it in the washer on mini-cycle hoping it would get clean and have time to dry. When the cycle stopped, the stains were gone, and we had 10 minutes to dry it. We tried. It was pretty wet when we put it on a hanger and hoped it would dry on the way to church. We threw the shirt on the dash board hoping the defrost cycle would dry it completely. It didn't! I told Zachary to carry the shirt in and tell them he had it, just couldn't wear it because it was still wet. No! Zachary decided to wear the shirt - it would get sweaty anyway during game time (his solution). So, he went to AWANA with a wet shirt and never complained.

Like I always say: Kids, who needs them! I guess for a 'hoot' now and then.


At October 24, 2008 11:31 AM, Blogger Tobin and Erin said...

oh my goodness, zilla! the things you do not to sacrifice points. at least you didn't hang your damp garment out the window to dry and it froze! (as if that would ever happen to me, hehe)

was it uncomfortable? or were you ok? love you all! later!


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