Tim's suit needed a cleaning - bad! Tim took it to the cleaners and wanted it back on Friday because we were heading to a wedding on Saturday. At 9:00 P.M. on Friday evening, we remembered we didn't pick up the suit. The cleaners opened at 8:00 A.M. on Saturdays (we were planning on leaving VH by7:00 A.M.). Tim went to the cleaners, and the sign on the door said they would open at 8:30 A.M. Bummer! We waited until 8:30 and the manager arrived at 8:35. We were a little stressed thinking we wouldn't make the drive to GR and get to the wedding on time.
Two bored kids ready for a road trip... |
We arrived at the Pig Roast in plenty of time! It was a cold, windy day. Emily had a hard time keeping the food covered because of it. Maybe the next Pig Roast will be at their new house!
Tim's suit is still in the bag and the park only had porta-potties - he didn't want to change in there. So, we headed to Biggby's for a cup of Joe. Tim went straight to the restroom to change, while I ordered my drink. When he came out, he ordered his drink. While he was pouring his coffee, I asked if he wanted me to hold the pants he just took off. He said, "Yes!" So, I took them. Which promptly made him spill his coffee on his clean suit pants and his shoes. He only has them on for about two minutes. On to the wedding we went - coffee smelling and all.
The wedding was held at the Henry Ford Museum. It was amazing!
Checking to see if we had the flash off! Yep, we did! |
Charleen & David at the altar with her parents. |
Jeannette on the right - the Matron of Honor. |
Using white and purple sand to symbol them blending into one family. |
Mr. & Mrs. David Fronczak! |
The hot couple ! |
Uncle Jon & Aunt Nona - amazing cars all around. |
Scott & Naomi joining us. |
Charleen just before the dinner. |
David just before the dinner. |
L to R: Nona, Jon, Dad, me, Steve, Nancy, Jane & Tom. |
Gorgeous decor! |
Beautiful centerpieces! |
Some tables had taller center pieces. |
Our place settings. |
A bit blurry, but this is 12-year old Bethany Long (Rob & Gingers daughter). She is 7 months older than Elyse! |
Another blurry one: Lucas (Jeannette's son) and Charlotte (Rob's daughter) |
We need a new photographer! Just showing you Jeannette! |
Mr. & Mrs. David Fronczak! |
The groom's cake (Charleen flies for FedEx, David is their mechanic) |
They cut the cake first thing: I like their thinking, dessert before the meal! |
Making the rounds! |
Happy bride! |
The wedding ceremony was outside. There was just enough breeze to keep us cool, but not enough to freeze us. It was perfect weather. The reception was amazing! They had a photo booth to make their scrapbook. Everyone got four pictures to keep and four went in Char's scrapbook. It was a cute idea. If you want embarrassing pictures of us, you'll have to come see them. The food was amazing! After the food, they had dancing and would be serving PIZZA around 10:30. We decided to head to Luke's house. Two and a half hours later, we arrived at Luke's house. We talked to Luke & Lacey for awhile and then headed to bed.
Sunday morning, we fed six children and one Gpa while Luke & Lacey headed to church for worship practice. We took the kids to church, dropped them off, switched cars and headed to First of Portage because Tim was preaching in the morning service AND the evening service.
We spent the afternoon at Miss Sunderman's house. She served us stuffed manicotti, salad, garlic bread and dessert (yogurt w/fruit and chocolate covered strawberries). After lunch, Dad went to study somewhere, while Karen & I flapped. I learned a lot about PCS and their troubles. I learned some news as well (will have to tell you in person - not for public knowledge, ha!).
After evening church, the kids were starving! We headed to Culver's to get them a snack. We ran into Dick & Carol Davis there - that was a real treat! On the way out, we ran into Erika Veatch. That was icing on the cake.
It was 10:30 before we arrived in VH. We were totally exhausted. This morning has been a rough start. This afternoon I start babysitting a four-month old boy named Jeremiah. I will have him four days this week and next week. I hope he is a good baby and not a screamer like the last one. Anything to get a few extra dollars in our pockets.
Elyse says: "Good baby. Except for right now, when Mumsie is trying to put him down for a nap."
Mumsie. Psh.
MOM, WOW! You look great in that dress. I've always said you have great legs; I love that the dress was the perfect length to show them off. Super cute outfit!
Great pictures, crazy weekend. Glad you all had fun!
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To Elyse,
That was a full post! I can't even remember all the comments I was going to make. CUTE DRESS, Mom, was definitely one of them!!! Great wardrobe choice.
Miss Sunderman really treated you to quite a meal; that sounds wonderful!
Thanks for posting all the family pictures from Charleen's wedding. It looks like everyone had a great time!
Love you!
Also, you can tell Ice Owl that Rain Cauldron just added her. :)
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