After our trip to Chicago, we all watched youtube!

Betsey so generously bought us a raspberry
bubble tea - which I promptly knocked over
on my coat, legs and floor.

They had REAL carolers! They were amazing!

Erin found the only snow in Chicago and threw
her first snowball of the year.

I am holding up the "bean." Strong, aren't I?

Every post had to have a pose. I think they
like climbing instead of walking.

A good spy on the lookout!
All in all, it was a good day! It was cold, but we
still had fun.
would you LOOK at me? i look like a raging drunkard. holy gracious. thank you for capturing that moment for everyone to enjoy. eeeevvveryone.
that was a fun trip! we should do that more often. next time we'll know who NOT to hand the drink to. haha, at least we know elyse comes by it honestly. ok, me too.
merry christmas mother dearest!
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