Anniversary #28!
Just updating you on our "hot" date. First we went to Red Robin for dinner. Ate far too much, but so good! After dinner we headed to the Memorial Opera House for the musical "Music Man." We were early, so we walked around town. We saw McKayla Huber and her Dad sitting on a bench eating ice cream (actually, McKayla was mostly wearing hers). Then the next corner, Paul & Jane Erspamer from FEBC drove by and yelled at us out their car window (acting like teenagers, the nerve).
So, the play was amazing! Before we went, we found out that Josh Frigo was going to be in the play. Not only him, but his brother, Micah. While reading the program, we noticed that Gail Morris's son, Luke, was also in the play. You will never guess who else. Mrs. Vicki Cash played Marian's mother. She was very good. The little boy (10 years old) that played Winthrop did an excellent job. His lisp was so authentic and he actually had red hair. It was his first performance (hopefully, not his last).
The play lasted two and a half hours (so long for us old people). The guy behind us smelled badly of liquor (almost made us drunk too). The guy next to me insisted on "getting a puff." He made us smell like cigarettes (yuck).
We had "tag-team" babysitters. We started the evening with Betsey watching the kids and feeding them dinner. Then she picked up Kari to watch them because she had to work at the Gap. Betsey got home before us, so she visited with Kari.
All in all, it was a good night.
Tim wants to know if we will make another 28 years. I highly doubt it, but who knows! Do you think we will?
Soooo, I guess the moral of the story is that you know too many people! :-) Can't even go out on a hot date with your husband without running into a bunch of people you know.
Love the dress. Is it a "Hanna Andersson"? Blue is a good color on you.
Didn't get much of a chance to talk to you today at church. My sister and her little boy are coming to stay Wednesday and Thursday, and we're off to Fort Wayne on Friday. So if you want to get together it will need to be Monday or Tuesday. Let me know if either of those days work for you. does that comment mean "28 more years more is too long to live" or "28 years more is too long to live with this person."???? two VERY different meanings...
hi mom! whaddya mean i didn't comment on yours, i didn't even know you had a new one up! so i'm a-commenting.
you look beautiful in that picture! it's a great shot of both of you. what a gorgeous dress, the color really suits you.
so i was wondering what route you and dad are taking on saturday. are you passing through the haute? bc i could drive over and meet you guys there to say goodbye. if you aren't passing through there, i guess i'll just have to call on friday night to say toodle-oo and drive safe! love you all!
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