Before the game - our new uniform. We are the "Kustom Auto Body" team. We are supposed to be red and white, but some of the kids forgot and wore black or gray pants.
Zachary's first game in majors (11-12 year olds). It was supposed to rain, it looked like rain, but was it going to rain? We got five innings in before a huge thunderclap sounded. All the parents ran to their cars, we were sure they were going to call the game. But, the rain stopped and they continued the last inning.
Lining up before the game. We actually have a sound system. They announce each player before the game, and as they come up to bat. They also announce the pitcher for that inning.
This is actually from a practice last week, but thought you would like to see him at bat.
We won, 17-3. Zachary made an amazing catch while playing first base. His mother was proud.
As you can see, Elyse isn't too thrilled with watching baseball games. Just wait until she goes to her volleyball clinic next week. All three of us will have to watch her play her game on Friday. It starts at 6:00, if any of you want to come see.
Zachary has a very unique pitching stance. After practice, the other team's coach said, "I thought you were going to kill my guys." He has improved alot in his pitching. Here he is in action (only it is in the living room).

When I tried to use the video insert on this blog, it wouldn't show action, just a picture of Zachary pitching. Hope the link works for you!
This is the second time I tried to load this video - hope it works. Sorry it is sideways - stupid photographer.
WOW!!!! Congratulations, Zach! On your first win in the majors and on your super catch! I'm so proud.
Elyse - way to stick it out through the baseball games, sis. You'll appreciate it when everyone comes to see you!
Mom - the link worked! I saw the video. Looks like a fierce pitching stance. I wouldn't want to bat against him!
Dad - any news on selling the Torino? Are you still working on that?
Can't wait to see you guys again!
The Torino is still for sale. I have answered a lot of mails and a few phone calls, but no luck yet. I will either drop my asking price again or put it on Ebay next, or both.
YAY, great job Zach! Congrats on your first win of the season...perfect record so far. Also, awesome catch I hear! Wish I could have seen it. I will try to watch the videos at home, they aren't working on my work computer.
Also...anyone else see a SCARY resemblance to Luke in those photos? I swear I was looking at a blonder version of Luke in a baseball uniform.
ELYSE, can't wait to hear about your volleyball clinic. Maybe you can teach me a few things the next time we see each other! We could bump around, that would be fun! Tell Mom to take a video of that too. It would be fun to watch.
Later taters!
Kind of hard to come to Elyse's Friday game when you don't read about it until Saturday...I'm sure behind! Hope the clinic went well. Zach, you look great in your baseball stuff. Have a great season!
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