We tried the Village Church again yesterday. Tim & I like it. Elyse is fine. Zachary doesn't like it. But, out of the three churches we tried so far, Zachary likes the Village Church the best. Around here, people don't go to Sunday School. Zachary & Elyse's Sunday School class had 10 children in it, ages 5-12. That would be very hard for the teacher to keep all entertained. Such an age gap. Our class was pretty good. It was led by the Assistant Pastor talking about apologetics. I even got involved in the discussion (unheard of by me). The worship service was pretty good. They have a worship team. The singing of the team was pretty good, but the lady with the tambourine belonged to the rhythm-less band. It really bothered me. It was like an irregular heartbeat - it drove me crazy.
After church and lunch, we headed to a homeschool picnic. The lady we got the dresser from goes to this homeschool group. They don't have an organized co-op, just getting together once a month for fun things. My kind of group! Anyway, here are some pictures of it.
Zachary playing the games (he really wore himself out).

Yes, Elyse can run (did you know that?).

Eating our self-packed dinner.

Elyse and her new found friend, Lanaya (sp)

The weather man said it would start raining at 3:00. The picnic started at 3:30. When we got there it was cloudy, but no rain as yet. The games began! After about three games, the drops of rain started. The kids played on, we "old" people went into the shelter. Then it downpoured. Most of the children came under the shelter - some didn't care. They were already wet, so why bother. They played on! Zachary was hungry (news, right?), but we didn't know what the plan was, so we made him wait. Finally, the lady in charge came over to us and asked us what we should do. We asked what the original plan was. She said we were going to eat around 5:30. it was 4:45. We said Zachary was hungry (which is a 24 hour thing) and she decided that we should eat. She wondered how to get everyone's attention. I told her Dad could get them to listen. She asked Dad if he would lead us in prayer. So, Dad got their attention, prayed and we ate our picnic lunches. Everyone brought dessert to share. YUM, YUM! There was everything you can imagine. Chocolate eclairs, cream puffs, donuts, homemade cookies, cupcakes, pumpkin pie, garden-fresh tomatoes (dessert for me) and brownies. We had several of them, plenty more than we needed.
The rain kept coming down, harder and harder. We decided to leave - we were not only wet, but freezing. It was great to meet new people - everyone was so friendly. Their church has 50 homeschool families in it. If it weren't 30 minutes away, we might try their church. We are sick of driving so far to church and we are looking for a local church to worship in.
Tonight is my first large group meeting with the Trinity Wives' Fellowship. There are three small groups that meet every Monday. Four times a year they all get together. Our group volunteered to set up and bring desserts. I have to be there at 5:45. The meeting runs from 7-9. Tim and the kids will be staying home.
Very fun! It's so good to see you guys getting connected and plugged in again. Bet it feels good to you too. Love you all; see you in a few months!
Elyse says: "I thought my hair was too heavy to do that! That picnic was fun. The picture of me and Lanaya, caught me with a mouth full. Loveyoubye!
I'm glad you are making new friends and finding a church home. That will make such a difference!
We miss you!
Love the pics of the kids in action. It's so good to see them smiling and having fun and making friends. Makes me miss them. *sniff*
They should call me sometime. Or vice versa. I love you guys!
- Bets
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