Nanno-nanno-nanno!!!!! I told you I could do it!!!!! Cool Joe! Do you think these two will survive without each other? We leave tomorrow. I hope they both learn to live without their companion.
I definitely didn't know MFEO either. Way to be trendy, Mom! You aren't by any chance falling for this sweet dog too, are you??? George is pretty cool if you ask me. I would love to have a dog just like him.
Those are great pics! I love that George stuck his tongue out at you.
I hope you had a happy birthday!!! Don't spend too much time packing...enjoy some cake and presents, too. :)
Every boy needs a dog, Momma!
George is such a photogenic dog. And those two look inseperable. If only Dad wasn't allergic...
Oh, and what the heck is MFEO? You know more txt lingo than me!
MFEO - made for each other
I definitely didn't know MFEO either. Way to be trendy, Mom! You aren't by any chance falling for this sweet dog too, are you??? George is pretty cool if you ask me. I would love to have a dog just like him.
Those are great pics! I love that George stuck his tongue out at you.
I hope you had a happy birthday!!! Don't spend too much time packing...enjoy some cake and presents, too. :)
Great pics, mom! Man, that is one cool dog! I wonder who his owners are???
Today is the big day! Are you going to miss me?
Welcome home, Rumleys!
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