OK, so who's excited? Elyse could hardly contain herself all week. Practices were two hours each night (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday). The performance was on Friday night at halftime.

It was a night of silly games. First game was the Pep Club. Girls against the boys. The boys were winning, so the girls put everyone from their club on the court (it was about 20 girls to 5 boys). The girls still lost.
Next was a Powderpuff game (Jr. Varsity Cheerleaders against the Varsity Cheerleaders). The Jr. Varsity were losing. So, they put up their flyer under the basket and she dunked it. The crowd went wild. Since the cheerleaders were on the court - the guys decided to be the cheerleaders (uniforms and all). Here is their halftime routine.

Now for the good part - Cheerleading Camp 2008. They are lined up to enter the court (Elyse is in the back).

Smile girls! Ready, set, go!

Elyse's favorite cheer was "If you want to win tonight, you have to cheer with all your might." I must have heard that one 50,000 times.

Elyse was a base along with her friend Alexis. They didn't even drop her (remember those days, Emily?).

A proud moment for Dad - cheering his little girl on!

The last game of the evening was the Varsity boys against Alumni/Staff. So, Dad had to play. A few days previous to the games, Dad hurt his back carrying a foos-ball game (sp). He also was trying very hard to get a cold. But, he decided to play anyway (since the advertisement for the night told everyone to come watch Mr. Rumley play).

Did you know he can actually run?

The plan was to start the game and then sit down on the bench for the rest of the game. But, Dad went in a second time. Jared Heavner decided to charge into Dad, knocking him on his tailbone, slamming his head into the floor and getting a floor burn on his arm. That was the end of the game for Dad. He is still hurting today!
BTW, the "mystery guest" was Worthington Waters. He was the Athletic Director at PCS last year. He moved to Florida to teach. He flew back on Thursday night, just to be our referee. It was so good to see him. He was an amazing asset to PCS. We miss him!
Betsey is leaving today. It was fun having her here for five days. Back to routine tomorrow.
Hope you all remembered Daylight Savings Time. It was hard getting up at 4:30. Hope you did better than I did!
I had nooo idea there was a time change today! Good thing my laptop changes automatically.
Elyse, great job! You looked like you really enjoyed it. What happened to your knee, kiddo? The lift looked really good too...your face in that picture looks just like Betsey!
I hope Dad is feeling better. Ow! Did the alumni win that game?
Love you, Mom, talk to you later.
Elyse says: I was practicing spiriting and I fell down on really rough carpet. Emily had to make a weird bandaid to stop the bleeding. And I feel kind of sick right now - guess I am trying to get Dad's cold.
Dad realized today that his chest hurt where Jared rammed into him.
Elyse also says: Alexis was the flyer and Gabby was the other base - Mom doesn't know the kids names correctly.
Sounds like the night was tons of fun. Another cheerleader in the family--you look great out there Elyse. Too bad Tim got bounced. Ouch! Hope he is better soon. About time change--I usually remember it on Sat night and change all the clocks. Not this year! Good thing Jon's palm pilot remembered (he only uses it on Sunday mornnings because he gets up earlier than the rest of us) or the pastor and family may have missed Sunday School. Wouldn't that have been something! Especially since Jon and I both teach Sunday School classes...
mc rumleys
Elyse, you are gonna be a great cheerleader! I wish I could have been there to see you! You will have to show me your stuff when you come up here to see us!
It was SO fun being home for that! I'm really glad Elyse got to cheer - she just loved it.
Just three more days and my laundry and I will be home! Wooooot...
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