
Tuesday, October 20, 2009


No pictures, again! Sorry.

Dad put up a rope with a tennis ball on the end to let us know where to stop the car when driving in the garage. One day, I parked in the wrong spot (figures). When I got in the next day, something hit me in the face. It was the tennis ball that was supposed to be hanging on the rope. I threw it out the window and drove to my destination.

On Monday, I went to the doctor in Valpo. I was exhausted when I got home. Upon driving in the garage (remember the tennis ball is missing), I hit Dad's shelf where he stores all his tools, etc. I backed up slowly, but it wasn't slow enough. On the top shelf was his screw/nail organizer. Off it flew. Screws, nails, washers, etc., all over the floor of the garage. When I picked up the organizer, one drawer was broken. Now I have a million screws/nails to sort and put back in their little drawer.

FYI: When I told Dad, he said, "I was just thinking that I should move that organizer to the workbench - it is too precarious on that shelf." I rest my case!

Elyse's first comment was: "I'm telling Dad!" In a not so quiet voice. Dad was at school. Do you think I wouldn't tell him? Not a chance. In fact, somehow, I thought it was funny.

When we picked up Dad a few hours later, I told him all about it. He didn't get mad and he didn't laugh. I guess I was the only one that thought it was funny. Today, I sorted about 1,000 screws/nails. I have ALOT more to sort. Want to help?

I thought of paying a penny for each piece sorted, but then I realized I would be broke. Only if you are generous and not interested in making money - come help me!


At October 21, 2009 7:01 AM, Blogger Emily said...

What a mess! I'd help if I were closer! :)

At October 21, 2009 11:46 AM, Blogger Tobin and Erin said...

Wow, how many screws/nails/etc does Dad have??? I don't remember that collection...

I would come up and help if I could!

We are praying for the house inspection.


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