It was a GREAT Thanksgiving weekend. We all (15 of us) met at Emily & Dan's house. Even Erin & Tobin drove up from Pensacola, FL. It was great to all be together. Wednesday night we had 8 people staying the night. Thursday, we had 15 people staying the night. Friday, we had 6 and Saturday, we had 6 staying the night.
The kids enjoyed watching DVD's. "Curious George" was a big hit!
Zachary spent most of his time playing computer games. Erin & Tobin got him a new Game Box game - which he played for about three hours since we got home today.
Emily fixed Elyse's hair on Thursday. Elyse loves her hair curled and styled. Something I don't know how to do or want to learn.
Here is proof that each "family" attended. The older four children exchanged gifts because we won't all be together this Christmas. This year is the Rumley Thanksgiving. Next year will be the Rumley Christmas. Erin & Tobin won't be here for Christmas, so they brought the gifts they bought for Zachary, Elyse, Grace, Caleb & Ava.
Betsey and Micah were there - we caught Micah with his eyes closed, sorry.
Erin & Tobin opening their gifts. Betsey & Micah got Tobin a book about the "Baton Death March." Tobin did a march like it. How thoughtful of them!
Emily & Dan opened their gifts. Dan got tools, Emily got small kitchen gadgets that she needed badly.
Luke & Lacey got magazine subscriptions. Lacey's is full of recipes (the same one Emily & I had a subscription for awhile ago).
The girls (Lacey, Emily, Erin & Betsey) got up at 4:00 a.m. on Friday to shop on "Black Friday." They are definitely crazy! But, they woke me up, and I couldn't go back to sleep. So, I got up and got ready for the day. Grace visited me WAY to early and we watched the sun come up. It was nice snuggling with her.
Luke's family, Erin & Tobin and Betsey & Micah all left on Friday. Tim & I stayed until Sunday. We went to church with Dan & Emily. After lunch, we packed up the car and headed for home - hoping to beat the snow to Portage. There wasn't any snow in Portage, but SW Michigan got plenty that we drove through. There were cars off the road all over in South Haven, Michigan. Tim couldn't believe it, it didn't seem slippery at all.
The kids behaved nicely. They had such a great time together. The adults played Erin's game, Yahtzee (a new kind). It was alot more thinking than I wanted to tackle, so I just watched.
It was a great time. I am super tired, but have to start fresh tomorrow. Thankfully, the Bible study is over and I will have Tuesdays off. Back to the grind tomorrow.
We took a family picture, but you will have to wait until Erin posts that one - it was her camera we used. Have a great week everyone - we are planning on it!