Dad talked to a real estate sales person. He said that since our lower level flooded last fall, we would have to have that fixed so that it wouldn't happen again. Oh boy! Another bill. We had a plumber come out to give us an estimate. PTL he is a Christian and will give us a deal. He has been here before and done a great job. Plus last time, he wouldn't let us pay him (he says it is his ministry to people in full time Christian work).
The plumber was supposed to come on Thursday, but he got delayed with another job. Today, Friday, he came after dropping his son off at PCS. He brought a co-worker with him. They had to tear up the cement in the floor and put in a valve (not sure of the technical name for it).
While the job was being done (3 1/2 hours) we couldn't use the water OR the toilets. If we did, the water (or whatever) would come up in the basement floor. That is all we need - more sewage water coming up on our new carpet and tile. We were so thankful that PCS is just across the street. We all went over there to use their facilities.
The guys have to wait until the water level goes down before they can pour cement and fill the hole back up. So, this is what is looks like for the near future until the water disappears.
If you can't tell where this is, it is right behind the door that you use to enter the laundry room. At least the HUGE pipe allows me to enter the room. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to do laundry for a few weeks. If the rain would stop, maybe the ground would dry up and we would have our laundry room back in business. I guess we could wear the same clothes for the next few weeks. NOT!
The next job is to paint Zachary's room and clean carpets upstairs. Then we can list the house. Did we tell you that THREE people have talked to Dad about possibly being interested in our house. We haven't even listed it yet. God is good. All the time. He is faithful. He takes care of His own. PTL!